
A Word From Felix Yukhtmakher: Time For New Approach To Consulting

April 10, 2024

A Word From Felix Yukhtmakher: Time For New Approach To Consulting

Throughout my professional career, I have been deeply involved in the consulting sector. For over ten years, I worked in the CIS offices of the Boston Consulting Group, where I climbed the career pyramid from junior analyst to director and partner, mainly serving clients in the natural resources sectors - energy, oil & gas, and metals & mining. I have also held a senior strategist position with a major mining conglomerate, ERG where I actively dealt with consultants on the client side.

Unique experience: serving consulting clients and being the customer myself. In any case, it's a position that has enabled me to ask myself the right questions. It also enabled me to formulate a very solid hypothesis: over the past 15 years, customers have become much more educated and competent in their dealings with consultants. Customers are no longer willing to pay big cheques for a team of generalist consultants who learn during a project. That is to say, who wants a huge deck of slides full of generic recommendations which may be difficult to apply in real life? I wouldn't go so far as to say that there's no point: we simply think that many of us (including myself ) have been involved in such projects, and that it's time to see things change, evolve.

This world is increasingly demanding. It's increasingly sophisticated. We have to adapt. At Peers, we've decided to focus our customer proposition on expertise and flexibility: whatever a customer's challenge or request, we are committed to building a project team of consultants who know exactly what they're doing and have relevant professional experience of dealing with exactly this issue. If we're carrying out an assignment for a customer in the field of artificial intelligence, we bring strong squad of consultants and data engineers. If we're optimizing furnace production for a steel producer, we would have technologists and metallurgy professionals in a team. Our bet on expert teams ensures we start bringing client impact from day one on the project by having right methodologies, quickly developing and testing hypotheses, running analyses and sharing with a client responsibility for implementation.

Thanks to our recruitment part of the business (Peers Recruitment, also known as Up&Out service) with a worldwide network of nearly 50,000 professionals with diverse skills and a wealth of experience, it takes us a very short time to assemble the best team tailored to customer request.

We are flexible not only for our customers, but also for our network and our team members. We welcome each and every one of you to our virtual team. Whatever form this takes, according to your personal and professional preferences, according to your own time: join us for the duration of a project, part-time or as an expert! Or become our partner for business development activities.

Peers Consulting is not only a network of best professionals and experts, but also an ecosystem of partner teams and organizations which have best-in-class product and expertise complimentary to our consulting services. We have partners in ESG, industrial digitalization, operational benchmarking and many other topics and we constantly growing our ecosystem.

So, a final thought: if you'd like to partner with us, whether as a customer or as a member of our community, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll take the time to reflect together on our potential and ability to have an impact together.

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