
Focus on 10 technologies capable of eradicating world hunger (Part 1)

March 20, 2024

Focus on 10 technologies capable of eradicating world hunger (Part 1)

Here's the fruit of this collaboration: the "World Food Programme (WFP) Humanitarian Ventures Accelerator" program. Imagine ten passionate, creative teams coming together with a single goal in mind: to revolutionize the way we tackle food crises through bold, visionary technological breakthroughs.

We're talking about projects powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning and cloud computing - technologies that are transforming our world at breakneck speed, because these teams don't just dream: they take action! SHAPES, GeoTar, Chatbot ETC, R2C2 and Machine Learning for seasonal drought forecasting: remember their names, because they're about to change the game.


SHAPES isn't just a technological tool - it's a breath of fresh air for volunteers working in the humanitarian field. Thanks to its innovative platform, specialists can analyze affected regions in real time to estimate the precise number of people in need of help. The system then suggests the most effective methods of assistance (such as a money transfer), collecting as much valuable data as possible and offering the fastest response.

Geo Tar

And what about GeoTar? By providing detailed vulnerability maps, it enables precise identification of the populations most at risk, ensuring that help reaches where it's needed most, when it's needed most. With these maps, GeoTar reduces the need to manually collect data on households in at-risk areas, and saves volunteers a considerable amount of time in delivering food.

ETC Chatbot

Imagine a virtual assistant that facilitates communication and emergency response coordination - it's simply groundbreaking! Like a promise of the future, the ETC Chatbot helps people affected by disasters to easily access vital information so they can avoid danger. It also enables the collection of essential data and the coordination of emergency responses between different UN agencies. To date, the Chatbot tool has enabled over 100,000 people to obtain vital information.


This transmitting drone is more than just a gadget: it opens doors, enabling humanitarian workers to ensure reliable Internet connectivity even in the most extreme situations. In times of crisis, telecommunications networks are often damaged or destroyed. The result is a difficult humanitarian response: delays in search and rescue operations, and postponed food distribution. With R2C2, the Internet is restored and operations can continue.

Machine Learning for Drought Seasonal Forecast and Anticipatory Action

MLDSFAA is a weather superhero! Thanks to this advanced technology, we are better equipped than ever to anticipate natural disasters and provide rapid assistance to the most vulnerable communities. By supporting small-scale farmers, thanks to this program, over 550,000 people have benefited from anticipated emergency cash transfers in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi and Jordan.

These initiatives embody real values: hope, optimism and the technological potential to sublimate altruism in our societies. So, Peers conclude that when we work together, with passion, determination and a hint of audacity, we are capable of overcoming all difficulties: of bringing about, in a word, change.

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